’Scam baiters’ get a kick out of conning the con artists – BBC News

av | jun 8, 2017 | Lästips

'Scam baiters' get a kick out of conning the con artists - BBC News

’Scam baiters’ get a kick out of conning the con artists – BBC News

Every year tens of thousands of people are conned by online scammers, but it is not only the authorities taking action: a network of tech-savvy volunteers is also working to expose them.”We waste scammers’ time, we waste their resources and we make them believe they are not as good as they think they are,” Jill – not her real name – explains to the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme.She is part of a global network of so-called scam baiters, who spend their evenings trying to unearth online con artists by pretending to fall for their tricks.The ruses can range from emails saying the recipients have won the lottery, to ”long-lost relatives” who have left them an inheritance.”Scammers are always going to be there but if we can take them down a peg and take a victim away from them any time we can, then we are doing something good,” Jill adds.One of the main techniques, explains Wayne – a scam baiter who often works with Jill – is by leaking scammers’ details and their conversation scripts online.

Källa: ’Scam baiters’ get a kick out of conning the con artists – BBC News

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