Samsung reportedly spending $21B to expand OLED capacity for ’iPhone 8,’ future devices

av | jun 30, 2017 | Lästips

Samsung reportedly spending $21B to expand OLED capacity for'iPhone 8,' future devices

Samsung reportedly spending $21B to expand OLED capacity for ’iPhone 8,’ future devices

Possibly flush with OLED screen orders for the ”iPhone 8,” Samsung is reportedly beefing up its production capacity by building new factories at a pair of new sites in South Korea.Citing sources within the supply chain, ET News claims that Samsung has started planning a new ”A5” plant with capacities between 180,000 and 270,000 panels per month. The plants said to be located in Cheonin and Asan, South Korea are expected to cost around $1.75 billion for the facility alone, and another $14 billion for equipment for OLED fabrication, with total costs for the two facilities coming in at around $21 billion.Friday’s report is similar to one from April, whoch claimed that Samsung would have to dole out $8.8 billion in 2017 to boost capacity and convert a LCD plant to produce OLED screens.The ET News report claims that this new factory is being built in anticipation of further demand from smartphone manufacturers, and mass-production of 10-inch foldable displays.Also in April, reports started circulating about a ramped-up OLED contract between Apple and Samsung. The contact, confirmed by multiple sources inside the supply chain, is said to be an escalation of the $4.3 billion one signed in February for 60 million panels.

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Mikael Winterkvist

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