Russia’s FSB security service said on Monday that the Telegram messaging app had been used by terrorists to plot atrocities on Russian soil, increasing pressure on the service days after the authorities accused it of violating Russian legislation.Russia’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor said on Friday it would block Telegram unless it handed over information about the company that controlled Telegram, something it said Telegram had so far refused to do.The FSB, the successor agency to the Soviet-era KGB, added to that pressure on Monday, releasing a statement whoch said Telegram provided ”terrorists with the opportunity to create secret chat rooms with a high degree of encryption.”The FSB said a suicide bomber who blew himself up on the St Petersburg metro on April 3, killing at least 15 people, had used Telegram to plan the attack with his accomplices, and that it was the most widely used app of its kind by terrorists operating on Russian soil.
Källa: Russia, upping pressure on Telegram app, says terrorists use it | Reuters
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