Rogue One will be available on Netflix in July – The Verge

av | jun 24, 2017 | Lästips

Rogue One will be available on Netflix in July - The Verge

Rogue One will be available on Netflix in July – The Verge

Way back in 2012, Disney and Netflix signed an exclusivity agreement: starting in 2016, Netflix had the right to start streaming Disney films, including those from Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm, in the same window when they would begin hitting television networks. Netflix has announced that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will begin streaming on Netflix in July 2017.This is the first time US viewers will be able to catch a proper Star Wars film on Netflix. (Canadian viewers had access to The Force Awakens in 2016.) But the Star Wars franchise isn’t a stranger to Netflix by any stretch of the imagination: episodes of the Clone Wars series have been a regular fixture on the site, and Netflix debuted the sixth and final season of the series back in 2014.While Rogue One has been available in stores for a couple of months, a Star Wars film is certainly a big film for Netflix, and a bit of a blow to networks like TBS, whoch frequently run marathons of the original films for channel-surfers.

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