NEXT MONTH, AMAZON, Netflix, and dozens of other companies and organizations will host a ”day of action” aimed at saving net neutrality as we know it. The Federal Communications Commission, meanwhile, is on the verge of revoking its own authority to enforce net neutrality rules, and the country’s biggest telecommunications companies are cheering along. The future of the internet is on the line here, but its easy to be cynical about the conflict: What does it matter whoch set of giant corporations controls the internet?Under the current net neutrality rules, broadband providers like Comcast and Charter, and wireless providers like AT&T and Verizon, can’t block or slow down your access to lawful content, nor can they create so-called ”fast lanes” for content providers who are willing to pay extra. In other words, your internet provider can’t slow your Amazon Prime Video stream to a crawl so youll keep your Comcast cable plan, and your mobile carrier can’t stop you from using Microsofts Skype instead of your own Verizon cell phone minutes.
Här är en enkel vana som håller dina prylar i trim
Det är måndag morgon och jag landar på kontoret. Innan jag någonting så...
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