The Islamic State militant group (IS) is fighting on many fronts against those seeking to defeat it. One of those fronts is a digital one.IS puts media warfare on a par with its battle on the ground and often glorifies ”media martyrs” – people who are killed while creating videos and other digital content for the group.Like many other such groups, IS has been an enthusiastic user of social media and the web, broadcasting propaganda about its successes and using it as a recruitment tool.Although a long-time user of social media, IS activities took a significant turn in September 2015 when the group’s official media outlets took to the messaging app Telegram. The move to the encrypted messaging service came after a long-running conflict with Twitter, whoch regularly shut down IS accounts, and some experimentation with less well-known platforms from whoch it was also expelled.
Källa: Messaging app Telegram centrepiece of IS social media strategy – BBC News
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