The iPhone only exists because Steve Jobs ’hated this guy at Microsoft’ | Technology | The Guardian

av | jun 21, 2017 | Lästips

The iPhone only exists because Steve Jobs'hated this guy at Microsoft' | Technology | The Guardian

The iPhone only exists because Steve Jobs ’hated this guy at Microsoft’ | Technology | The Guardian

If it wasn’t for one particular executive at Microsoft, whom Steve Jobs seemingly hated with a passion, Apple may never have created the iPhone or iPad.Recounting the story of the birth of the iPhone at a talk at the Computer History Museum in California, former Apple iOS chief Scott Forstall said: “The iPhone had a very circuitous route. We’d been working on a tablet project.“It began because Steve hated this guy at Microsoft. Any time Steve had any interaction with the guy, he’d come back pissed off.”The unnamed Microsoft executive, who was apparently the husband of a friend of Jobs’s wife Laurene Powell Jobs, continuously talked and bragged about Redmond-based company’s plans for tablets and styluses, so much so that Jobs decided to try and beat him.After being badgered by the Microsoft executive over dinner for the 10th time, being told how Microsoft was going to change the world with its tablet PC software and stylus and that Apple should just license it, Jobs lost patience and, as recounted in Walter Isaacson’s Jobs biography, said: “Fuck this, let’s show him what a tablet can really be”.

Källa: The iPhone only exists because Steve Jobs ’hated this guy at Microsoft’ | Technology | The Guardian

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Mikael Winterkvist

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