Hacker Steals Millions of Accounts from Internet Radio Service 8tracks – Motherboard

av | jun 28, 2017 | Lästips

Hacker Steals Millions of Accounts from Internet Radio Service 8tracks - Motherboard

Hacker Steals Millions of Accounts from Internet Radio Service 8tracks – Motherboard

Millions of accounts for internet radio service 8tracks are being traded on the digital underground, judging by a set of stolen user details obtained by Motherboard.8tracks is cross between a social network and an internet radio site, allowing users to stream custom playlists. The site offers both free and paid accounts whoch only for ad-free listening.Motherboard obtained a dataset of around 6 million 8track usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords. For-profit breach notification site LeakBase provided Motherboard with the data, and claims that the full dataset comprises of around 18 million accounts. The passwords appear to be hashed with the SHA1 algorithm, meaning hackers may be able to crack the hashes and obtain some of the original passwords.Several users in the data confirmed they signed up to 8tracks, with some signups stretching back to 2008. Motherboard also independently confirmed that a selection of email addresses included in the data did correspond to accounts on the site by trying to create new accounts with them. In every case, this was not possible because the email address was already linked to an 8tracks account.

Källa: Hacker Steals Millions of Accounts from Internet Radio Service 8tracks – Motherboard

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