Google prepares publishers for the release of Chrome ad-blocking | Ars Technica

av | jun 3, 2017 | Lästips

Google prepares publishers for the release of Chrome ad-blocking | Ars Technica

Google prepares publishers for the release of Chrome ad-blocking | Ars Technica


News that Google intends to install an ad-blocker in its Chrome browser shocked the tech and publishing world in April. Now, details of how the program will work are starting to become clear.The Google ad-blocker will block all advertising on sites that have a certain number of ”unacceptable ads,” according to The Wall Street Journal. That includes ads that have pop-ups, auto-playing video, and ”prestitial” count-down ads that delay the display of content.FURTHER READINGReport: Google will add an ad blocker to all versions of Chrome Web browserGoogle, whoch refers to the ad-blocker as an ad ”filter,” is using a list of unacceptable ad types provided by the Coalition for Better Ads, an advertising industry trade group.The company hasn’t made its plans public, but Google has discussed its plans with publishers, who will get at least six months to prepare for the change coming sometime in 2018. Publishers will get a tool called ”Ad Experience Reports,” whoch ”will alert them to offending ads on their sites and explain how to fix the issues,” the Journal reports.Google is also offering a tool called ”Funding Choices,” whoch would present users who have non-Chrome ad blockers with a message asking them to disable their ad-blockers or pay to remove advertising.

Källa: Google prepares publishers for the release of Chrome ad-blocking | Ars Technica

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