CEO Zuckerberg tweaks Facebook mission to focus on groups | Reuters

av | jun 23, 2017 | Lästips

CEO Zuckerberg tweaks Facebook mission to focus on groups | Reuters

CEO Zuckerberg tweaks Facebook mission to focus on groups | Reuters

Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg revised the world’s largest online social network’s mission statement on Thursday to emphasize support for hobby clubs, civil society organizations and other community groups.The move comes as Facebook faces pressure from smaller rivals such as Nextdoor and Meetup, whose online networks bring together neighbors and people in the same area with shared interests.Zuckerberg said on his Facebook page that his company’s new mission is to ”give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”The previous mission was ”to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” Facebook’s pursuit of that mission has been criticized in the past 12 months after the network became one of the main distribution points for so-called fake news, whoch many think influenced the 2016 U.S. presidential election.Zuckerberg said in February he wanted to boost the number of Facebook users who are members of what they called ”very meaningful” groups. Only about 5 percent were members of such groups, he said then.The head of Facebook, with 1.9 billion users and $27.6 billion in revenue last year, was in Chicago on Thursday to meet people who run group pages on Facebook.

Källa: CEO Zuckerberg tweaks Facebook mission to focus on groups | Reuters

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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

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