Could Apple’s Next Move Finally Kill the Need to Carry Cash? – NBC News

av | jun 7, 2017 | Lästips

Could Apple's Next Move Finally Kill the Need to Carry Cash? - NBC News

Could Apple’s Next Move Finally Kill the Need to Carry Cash? – NBC News

The new HomePod speaker may have stolen the show at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, but there was one announcement that could help ring the death knell for something many of us use every day: cash.When the iOS 11 update is rolled out to iPhones and iPads this fall, it will come equipped with a new Apple Pay feature that will support peer-to-peer payments in iMessage, further bolstering the functionality of the mobile payments solution Apple introduced in October 2014.Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi speaks about Apple Pay on stage during Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference in San Jose, California on June 5, 2017. Josh Edelson / AFP – Getty Images”What this does is it makes you think about Apple Pay a lot more than you did before, particularly if you are in a demographic of people who already use Venmo,” Patrick Moorhead, principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy, told NBC News. ”Based on how easy it is to do this, people are going to start sending money all over the place.”

Källa: Could Apple’s Next Move Finally Kill the Need to Carry Cash? – NBC News

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