Apple supporting National Parks next month w/ Apple Pay donations & new Watch Activity challenge | 9to5Mac

av | jun 30, 2017 | Lästips

Apple supporting National Parks next month w/ Apple Pay donations & new Watch Activity challenge | 9to5Mac

Apple supporting National Parks next month w/ Apple Pay donations & new Watch Activity challenge | 9to5Mac

Apple has announced a new Apple Pay initiative to raise funds for the National Parks Foundation, running for the first half of July.From July 1 through 15, Apple is donating $1 to the National Park Foundation for every purchase made with Apple Pay at any Apple Store, on or through the Apple Store app in the USTim Cook explained why the company is doing it …NordVPNAmerica’s national parks are an inspiration to us at Apple, and we know they are as important to many of our customers as they are to us. Our goal is to leave the world better than we found it, so this July we’re making it easier for anyone to help preserve the beauty of our natural, cultural and historical treasures.Apple said that the money raised would be primarily used to support conservation projects and enroch youth programs designed to inspire the next generation of park enthusiasts.

Källa: Apple supporting National Parks next month w/ Apple Pay donations & new Watch Activity challenge | 9to5Mac

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