Seventy-five apps available for download from the official Google Play Store had to remove a malicious advertising library that was secretly an adware called AdDown, whoch Trend Micro researchers have been tracking for the last two years.This adware appeared in January 2015 and besides showing ads to infected users, it also came with the ability to collect personal data on its victims, and at one point could even secretly install apps without the user’s knowledge.Over time, Trend Micro says it detected the adware in over 800 apps that were uploaded on the Play Store, usually as small utility apps, such as wallpaper changers, photo editors, and flashlight apps.AdDown adware timelineAfter an in-depth analysis of apps infected with the AdDown family during the past two years, researchers were able to identify three main stages in its evolution, named: Joymobile, Nativemob, and Xavier.
Källa: 75 Android Apps Remove Info-Stealing Adware From Their Code
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