Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

av | maj 31, 2017 | Lästips

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

If your web browser was recording audio and video of you without any indication it was doing so, would you consider that invasion of privacy a security issue? Chrome doesn’t.After AOL web developer Ran Bar-Zik discovered that a website can record audio and video without the red recording light appearing on the Chrome tab, he reported the bug. But since users are the crux of the problem, Google doesn’t classify it as a security flaw. That’s because before any audio or video recordings, a user has to give a site permission before it can access a user’s webcam or microphone.  Yet Bar-Zik believes people will not be fully aware of what they are clicking on when granting permissions. The bug could be weaponized and “real attacks will not be very obvious,” he told Bleeping Computer.

Källa: Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

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Mikael Winterkvist

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