För sex år sedan så krävde Donald Trump hårda straff, till och med dödsstraff, för de som läckte information bland andra till Wikileaks. Nu, sex år senare, så hänvisar Trump till Julian Assange som i sin tur ger Donald Trump sitt stöd.
Trump kallade Wikileaks för ”disgraceful” och han efterlyste dödsstraff för läckor.
Nu hamnar Julian Assange och Donald Trumps på samma sida i diskussionen om den ryska inblandningen i det amerikanska presidentvalet.
I en intervju med brittiska The Independent så ger Julian Assange sitt stöd till Donald Trump och kritiserar Barack Ombamas-administration.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has accused Barack Obama of attempting to delegitimise Donald Trump ahead of his inauguration later this month.
Speaking from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, the whistleblower suggested the incumbent US President was trying to derail Mr Trumps ascent to the White House by accusing Russia of interfering in the election.
Assange upprepar också att Wikileaks inte fick dokument, e-post och annan information från Ryssland eller någon organisation som står Putin nära.
Asked whether he could tell the American people 1,000 percent that the emails did not come from Russia, Assange confirmed his stance.
We can say, we have said, repeatedly over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party, he said.
Trumps hoppande
Donald Trump själv har dessutom levererat sina egna mer eller mindre fantasifulla teorier om vad som egentligen har inträffat. Han började med att berätta att det demokratiska partiet i själva verket hade hackat sig själva.’
”This is all information that has been out there for many years. Much of it is false and/or entirely inaccurate,” Trump said in a statement. ”We believe it was the DNC that did the ’hacking’ as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader. Too bad the DNC doesn’t hack Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails.”
I samband med en presskonferens så hoppades Donald Trump att ryssarna hade hackat Hillary Clinton och att de skulle publicera den information de hade stulit.
By the way, they hacked they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted because youd see some beauties there. So lets see.
…And thats why if it is Russia, nobody even knows this, its probably China, or it could be somebody sitting in his bed. But it shows how weak we are, it shows how disrespected we are. Total assuming its Russia or China or one of the major countries and competitors, its a total sign of disrespect for our country. Putin and the leaders throughout the world have no respect for our country anymore and they certainly have no respect for our leader. So I know nothing about it. Its one of the most far-fetched Ive ever heard.
I en senare debatt så pekade Donald Trump ut Kina. Citatet nedan är plockat från den första debatten mellan Donald Trump och Hillary Clinton.
Look at the mess that we’re in. Look at the mess that we’re in. As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what secretary Clinton said, we should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we’re not. I don’t know if we know it was Russia who broke into the DNC.
She’s saying Russia, Russia, Russia. Maybe it was. It could also be China, it could be someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. You don’t know who broke into DNC, but what did we learn?
Trumps twittrande och alla hans uttalanden bildar ett märkligt mönster där i stort sett alla pekas ut, utom Ryssland och där en tillträdande president inte litar på sina egna underättelseorganisationer. Hoppandet slutar sedan med att Donald Trump och Julian Assange hamnar på samma sida och stöttar varandra.
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