Bara några dagar efter det att Facebook sagt upp alla sina redaktörer och ersatt dem med nya algoritmer så publicerades de första påhittade och falska nyheterna i Facebooks nyhetsflöde. Nu har det hänt igen – en falsk nyhet har premierats, rankats högt av den sociala tjänsten.
Det är Washington Post som har samlat in och analyserat nyheter som visas i Facebooks nyhetsflöde under september månad och sedan kontrollerat äktheten.
As part of a larger audit of Facebooks Trending topics, the Intersect logged every news story that trended across four accounts during the workdays from Aug. 31 to Sept. 22. During that time, we uncovered five trending stories that were indisputably fake and three that were profoundly inaccurate. On top of that, we found that news releases, blog posts from sites such as Medium and links to online stores such as iTunes regularly trended. Facebook declined to comment about Trending on the record.
Im not at all surprised how many fake stories have trended, one former member of the team that used to oversee Trending told the Post. It was beyond predictable by anyone who spent time with the actual functionality of the product, not just the code. (The team member, who had signed a nondisclosure agreement with Facebook, spoke on the condition of anonymity.)
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