Spekulationer om att det kan komma ett bud på den sociala tjänsten Twitter har fått aktien att rusa i höjden. Google och Salesforce uppges finnas med bland intressenterna.
Ingen av de inblandade företagen har kommenterat uppgifterna som publicerats bland annat av amerikanska CNBC.
Twitter’s board of directors is said to be largely desirous of a deal, according to people close to the situation, but no sale is imminent. There’s no assurance a deal will materialize, but one source close to the conversations said that they are picking up momentum and could result in a deal before year-end.
Suitors are said to be interested as much in the data that Twitter generates as its place as a media company. Salesforce declined to comment to CNBC and other companies did not immediately provide a comment.
Enligt andra mediauppgifter så kan även Microsoft och Verizon vara intresserade av att köpa den sociala mediatjänster.
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