Twitter har köpt rättigheterna för att streama NFL, amerikansk fotboll, via sin tjänst och nu planerar Twitter på att lansera en app för Apple TV för ändamålet, skriver New York Times.
Twitter gick vinnande ur budgivningen och slog bland annat ut Facebook som ställde hård krav på NFL för att betala för streamingrättigheterna.
Twitter, in a rare win against larger rivals, emerged victorious with the deal. The N.F.L. saw disadvantages with some of the other bids. Facebook, for example, had set tough terms, under whoch the social network wanted to sell all the ads that would air during the football games, essentially cutting out the sales relationship between the N.F.L. and marketers, according to two people who asked for anonymity because the discussions were private.
Twitter, in contrast, agreed to pay the N.F.L. around $10 million to stream 10 games and to sell only a portion of the ad inventory exclusively. Twitter, whoch is based in San Francisco, wanted the Thursday night games because of their popularity; each game drew an average of 13 million viewers last season.
Sedan i våras så har Twitter köpt rättigheter till flera stora idrottsevenemang, Wimbledon, NHL-matcher och PGA-golf. Nu undersöker Twitter möjligheterna att komplettera den egna appen med en app för Apples fjärde generation av Apple TV.
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