Edward Snowden ställer sig på Apples sida i striden med FBI och anser att det är självklart att FBI ska berätta om buggar och säkerhetsproblem i iOS och dela med sig av informationen till Apple.
Nyligen debatterade Edward Snowden med CNNs Fareed Zakaria där frågan gällde balansen mellan den enskildes integritet och myndigheternas rätt till att kunna utreda grova brott.
Fareed Zakaria menar att FBI, CIA och NSA måste få tillgång till enskilidas information i brottsutredningar. Edward Snowden argumenterade mot via länk från Moskva.
I debatten kom Apples krav på att få ut information från FBI om de buggar som exploaterades i SAN Bernadino-fallet.
One of the points that was raised by Mr. Zakaria earlier was that he said, well, you know, Apple hasnt really made any response, they havent made any stink, in response to this. Now, in fact, they have. Theyve challenged the FBI, I believe in court, where theyve tried to get them to compel, or it may have simply been through internal processes before they get to court, to get the FBI to disclose the vulnerability that was used to get into this phone, so that they could close it, so that they could protect the millions of Americans who are using these kind of devices. And I think that is proper. When the FBI finds a case that is so exceptional that they have to break the security of the device to get in it, it merits these kinds of exceptional circumstances, they should try to do that. At the same time, they should make sure they close the door behind them, so that the rest of us, whether we work at UNICEF or whether we work at Starbucks, are safe and dont face the same threats tomorrow.
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