Facebook-ägda WhatsApp anklagas nu för att blockera konkurrenten Telegram. Användare rapporterar att länkar till Telegram inte går att klicka på. kopiera och ibland inte heller att klistra in i WhatsApp.
Blockeringen tycks inte beröra riktigt alla användare och har även drabbet tidningar som bär namnet telegram.
Reached by The Verge, Telegram confirmed the activity, whoch seems to have begun with a silent update pushed earlier this morning. The update has the same version number as a previously deployed update (2.12.367), but a Telegram volunteer confirmed that a new 367 update was deployed this morning. That update likely hasn’t reached every device using WhatsApp, whoch may explain why the block is not consistent across different devices. Testing revealed that the block also includes Telegram.com, an unrelated URL owned by a newspaper in Worcester, Massachusetts.
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