Hackargruppen Anonymous planerar en trollardag den 11 december då alla Daesh-konton och hemsidor ska anfallas med ilskan och spydiga kommentarer.
Förutom att ge sig på Daesh konton så ska nedsättande kommentarer, bilder och videor spridas över hela nätet.
When: December 11 //
All Day What: We ask you to show your support and help against ISIS by joining us and trolling them
// Do not think you have to be apart of Anonymous, anyone can do this and does not require any special skills Where: We ask to take part of this on Facebook
// Twitter // Instagram // Youtube // In the ”Real World”
Anonyhmous har även förklarat varför en hel dag ägnas åt att ’attackera’ mördarsekten.
You may be wondering why we are ”trolling” Isis and planning all these demonstrations against Isis. But to understand that you must first see how Isis works. They thrive off of fear they hope that by their actions they can silence all of us and get us to just lay low and hide in fear. But what many forget and even they do is that there are many more people in the world against them than for them. And that is the goal of this mass uprising, on December 11th we will show them that we are not afraid,we will not just hide in our fear, we are the majority and with our strength in numbers we can make a real difference. We will mock them for the idiots they are. We will show them what they really are they do not stand for a religion, they do not stand for a god, they are brainwashers teaching from the young to the old their propaganda against the ”west” when in reality they are just increasing the distance between countries by giving many a bad name. But we see behind their persona, we see them for who they really are. And we hope to see you all brothers and sisters on December 11th. As we join together and show who we are,what we are and what we stand for. I will not see you on December 11th for I am not a person,but an idea of love and peace and we will show them that we will prevail after all their horrors for they do not have any control on us. Please show others and support us on the 11th….. It will be a day they never forget.
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