Trött på Donald Trump? Du vill inte se mer av karln? Enkelt, ladda ned och installera Trump Trump.
Trump Trump är en filter-app som ser till att blockera alla medier, bloggar och webbplatser där Donald Trump förekommer. Du kan med andra ord få en helt Trump-fri tillvaro på nätet.
Enjoy Trump-free web browsing. Trump Trump is a content blocker that filters out links, websites and photos that contain the word Trump.
Instantly vanish Trump-related content from the web. Trump Trump integrates directly into Safari, so you do not need to change anything about the way you browse the web. Simply enable Trump Trump and you will see how photos, images and links related to the Trump keyword disappear. Trump Trump also blocks website URLs that contain the Trump keywords, so if you accidentally follow a link to one of these sites, you will only see a blank page.
In addition to working in Safari, Trump Trump also works in certain apps that use Safari Webkit for web browsing. Trump Trump does NOT work in apps such as Facebook for iOS or Twitter for iOS. However, it will work if you access these services via the Safari web browser.
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