Twitter kommer att varsla och sparka anställda uppger recode. Beskeden kommer redan nu på måndag, skriver webbplatsen, och de berör i princip alla avdelningar och hela företaget.
Den sociala mediatjänsten har avböjt att kommentera uppgifterna som alltså berör 4100 anställda. En siffra som kan jämföras med de drygt 2 000 som fanns i företaget innan börsnoteringen, 2013.
Those close to the company have argued for years that Twitter has become too bloated. It reported roughly 4,100 employees last quarter, more than double the roughly 2,000 employees it had in Q2 2013 just before the IPO. Twitters user base has grown less than 50 percent in that time. Of course, some of the growth has come via acquisitions Twitter has made plenty over the past two years. But still, the feeling from those close to the company is that Twitters engineering team is much larger than it needs to be.
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